Jugal Gangar
Introductions have always been hard on me. As I am perplexed of what best can describe me in fewest possible words. Jugal Gangar is my name and I’m 33. Completed my graduation in 2005 though from a different stream from what I initially started in. Formal education system has never been too attractive to me as I have understood it to be parroting system and only ‘academics-degrees’ aren’t enough for to grow in life. Entire schooling system today in merely focussed on competitive side of human and has not much too offer men on how to nurture his/her humanistic nature more!
I have always believed one should follow his innate passion which resides at core of soul, driving the person. For far too long I thought I was happy doing my businesses; real-estate and land development along with trading and customisation of fabrics, which were fairly profitable too. But only money steering the car of life wasn’t suited to me.
Destinations are given too much importance and journeys have been robbed of their values. Live the journey, enjoy the journey, and grow with the journey! Finally one is bound to reach some place and that too will be beautiful in its own way. Many times in life some forced bending’s have given life new dimensions and meanings; altering the whole course along with its goals. So is the case with this Avatar of mine; here on.
Blogging for me isn’t important for to gain commercially as much as it’s important to grow; improve, share, transform, cultivate, join! My travel escapades are not touristy flings but journeys of soul searching and long term affairs. India being one of the oldest civilizations on earth and culturally-historically-geographically ‘one of the’ if not ‘the only’, inherently richest also.
To be honest this wanderlust trait in me is inbreed from my parents, my father majorly I feel as from a very young age itself road trips where intricate part of family life. Don’t even remember dates of my first real road trip as I must have been very young, but there are innumerable memories of countless trips scuttling in and out of cities, villages, hinterlands of India.
Sharing my experiences and putting them down in words and pics was evidently going to happen since long. Just the courage to write and give it structure, a form, the unhindered time and effort was thanks to many forces. Many people kept inspiring and pushing me. As various curves of lives converged many times pursuing many activities, thy urge and want(wanderlust) grew more and more stronger. Hopefully this memoirs will inspire others to break their shackles which they themselves have bounded into.
Travelling isn’t only about having good times at new destinations or submerging one selves into a luxurious holiday mode. That’s only tiny fraction of tremendous potential that undertaking journeys offers you. Vague and nebulous is the beginning of all things but not their end, life and all that lives is always conceived in the mist and not in crystal as who knows but a crystal is mist in decay? Conquer your fears, outgrow your limitations, and erase your comforts inside the self-created boundaries. Acceptance of newer cultures, meeting whole new lot of amazing native people, integrating harmoniously oneself into with nature in general, cutting down on negativities and life sucking energies for to focussing more on life giving pranas; that’s the whole new definition of journeying for me!
Khalil Gibran is all his wisdom prophecies “you give but little when you give of your possessions; it is when you give of yourself that you truly give!” same happens on “mysticmusafirs” journeys; souls give unbounded unselfishly, and abundance of life comes into orgasmic climax.
Other than blogging; mostly about travels, I pursue major interest in spiritualism, healing forces, philosophy, alternate music, poetry, and reading! In fact reading and spiritualism are the two driving forces that took me more and more deeper into travelling. A good book is equal to 10 friends! And a ‘good friend’ is equal to 100 books! Hence it’s a beautiful circle. Many voracious readers are more often vague travellers too. And almost all mystics; blessed this earth has been to taste them; have been nomadic musafirs in their own beautiful rebel way. India has many famed Triveni-sangams; points at which three mighty rivers converge at. They are revered for their immense scope of life and creation. From this point I am making a conscious effort to make my life journey too a ‘triveni-sangam’ enriched by immense potential of “words-mysticism-journeys” and hence by sharing them fulfilling the inter exchange human want of life.